Changes in postural sway after a single global postural reeducation session in university students: a randomized controlled trial

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a single session of global postural reeducation (GPR) in postural sway in young adult university students who use data visualization screens.

Methods: A randomized controlled trial with 2 parallel groups was performed. Sixty-four subjects were randomized in the experimental group (12 men and 20 women) who underwent the GPR session, and a control group (13 men and 19 women) that did not receive any intervention was included. Center of pressure (COP) was assessed using a stabilometric platform, with eyes open and eyes closed before, immediately after, 48 hours after, and 7 days after intervention in both groups.

Results: In the interaction of time and gender, statistically significant differences were found for the area covered by COP (P = .020) and for the standard deviation (SD) in the mediolateral axis (P = .035). Considering the complete interaction time, gender, and group, statistically significant differences were found (P = .015) for the anteroposterior rate covered by COP and the SD in the anteroposterior axis (P = .033). In eyes closed condition, the intersubject analysis showed statistically significant differences for the interaction between group and gender for the variable
mediolateral SD (P = .043). Considering the interaction of time with group, statistically significant differences were found for full length covered by COP (P = .017).

Conclusions: Changes in postural sway were observed after a single GPR session, mainly at 48 hours, with different behaviors between men and women. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2017;xx:1-10)

File Type: pdf
Categories: 40x40, Pedana FreeMed
Tags: Muscle Stretching Exercise, Musculoskeletal Manipulations, Postural balance, Posture
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