Spinal range of motion and plantar pressure in sport climbers

Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the range of motion (ROM) of lumbar and thoracic articula tions and static and dynamic plantar pressure in sport climbing athletes.

Methods: The sample included 30 sport climbers with a minimum of 2 years training experience and 30 physical education students who served as an active untrained control. ROM was ass essed by a Saunders digital inclinometer; plantar pressure by a baropodometric platform.

Results: Mean spinal ROMs were greater in the sport climbers with the exception of extension, rotation, and lateral thoracic flexion, with a high degree of statistica l significance obtained in the majority of the analyzed ROMs. The climbers exhibited increased mean forefoot pressure (smaller rearfoot pressure) in both the dominant and non dominant extremities, with significant intergroup differences found in dominant f orefoot/rearfoot pressure distribution.

Conclusions: Sport climbers present increased lumbar and thoracic ROM, and the characteristics of climbing may also affect transverse arch structure and plantar pressure distribution.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Pedana FreeMed
Tags: feet, spiral range of motion, sport climbing
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