Validity Analysis of Wii Balance Board Versus Baropodometer Platform Using an open custom integrated application

Standing balance tests represent the most common way to assess person’s functional ability and they were realized by means of specialized and expensive platforms, especially in clinicians’ environments. Wii Balance Board (WBB) is videogame based device that measures center of pressure (CoP) oscillations and it showed promising performance compared
with ‘gold standard’ force platforms. In this paper we propose an open integrated custom application to define balance outcomes using WBB. These outcomes were used to execute a validity analysis of WBB performance compared with baropodometer platform (BP). Ten subjects performed two standing balance tests with open and closed eyes respectively on WBB and BP in separate occasion. Validity analysis was carried out using r-Pearson correlation coefficient, ICC analysis, paired-sample t-Test and Bland-Altman plots. Results confirmed that the WBB, although has a fraction of cost of other platforms, represents a tool suitable for some clinician analysis

File Type: pdf
Categories: 40x40, Freestep, Pedana FreeMed
Tags: Balance Assessment, Baropodometer Platform, Custom Application, Validity analysis, Wii balance board
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